Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Importance of Self Awareness

 I suppose most of us have our cancer discovered, after our symptoms are discovered. That makes sense doesn't it?

After I was diagnosed with cancer, I began the process of self examination.  I spent a lot of time thinking about the symptoms I had.  And, during my time of treatment, I kept copious notes.

I do this because I want to monitor my fight.  It tells me if I am wasting money on certain homeopathic approaches - and if I am being successful.

I took sharks cartilge for a year and it didn't seem to have any impact. I also took and later discarded IP6 with inisitol.  These things may have been working but careful monitoring didn't discern any bodily changes. I didn't seem to be going anywhere.

I also learned that my diet needed to undergo some serious changes.  When I began tweaking my diet, and I changed my homeopathic strategies, the symptoms began to abate and my blood tests showed gradual improvement.

Symptoms such as, my phsyical reaction to certain foods - coughing and clearing of the chest, bad after taste, emotional changes - my sense of inner peace and relaxation, and my ability to sleep improved.

Come to know your body. Monitor your sense of  dis ease and look for small changes.  These can become  important guideposts.

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