I will never forget the conversation. I asked the nurse who was administering my chemotherapy, as I sat on the reclincing chemo chair, "Can I have a drink when I have chemotherapy?" Her answer was, "Of course you can, but drink moderately - an occasional beer or glass of wine."
Oh my, but what is this world made of? While about.com, gives a logical and reasonable answer to the question (click here), my research indicates otherwise. Knowing what I do today, I would give it an unequivicoble NO!
From what I understand, alcohol makes a rapid change to sugar, and tests have shown that tumours feed off sugar. Besides that, alcohol is acidic. Beer uses yeast in the fermentation process and yeast feeds fungus.
Enough said.
I turned thumbs down on alcohol but don't get me wrong. I toasted both my daughters at their weddings with a glass of wine. But, overall, I treat alcohol with a certain wariness. Its out there. I have had a rare drink on special times of celebration, but for the most part its not a part of my lifestyle.
I like to take to life this way. By chosing, for the most part, not to take alcohol, or eat delightful deserts and by reserving them, for isolated and special occasions, I am not taking taking the martyr's path. I can and do deviate from my pathway on special occasions but these occasions are few and far between.
Regular alcohol consumption is a risky business for anyone with any kind of tumour, or with mestastic cancer. Why add the risk? When you do overcome cancer, you can relax and enjoy a glass of wine after your evening dinner. On the other hand - if you give such things as alcohol, sweet deserts, coffee, and cola a big place in your life and let them run your ship - then you increase the odds of not making it. Its your call, but speaking personally, I wouldn't push my luck.
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