Friday, February 10, 2012

And I thought that my craving monster died when I stopped smoking!

God help me, but I was having an afternoon of craving.  Sugar is bloody poison for someone with cancer. I know that, and yet my body was craving it.  I prowled through the kitchen, opening cupboard doors - searching, finding, looking at, but not touching.

I returned to the book I was reading, and I set it down.  Nothing seemed to help. Even, my cancer fighting strategy, of thinking of my two lovely daughters, and my wife and grand kids, all of whom are encouraging me on my fight, failed me in the end.  They don't want me to take a quick exit from the life game. It would have helped maybe if one of them were nearby to talk to me. But the reality is,  I was alone - until my wife returned with a group of her lady friends.

Anne Marie was most kind to me. Her husband had fought lymphoma and beat it by taking essiac. She put her hands on my shoulders and told me that she understood my fight.  I weakened and I told her of my fight with the craving monster.

To my surprise - the most unlikely person in the group, (a rather quiet and dignified senior lady) told me that I could have been craving protein.

Protein craving? Is there such a thing???

I realized when she spoke that yesterday was a protein deficient day, and today wasn't much better. Since I am mostly a vegan...its easy to forget about taking protein.

So with that, I fried up a vegan hamburger pattie (an oxymoron, I know) and folded it inside my whole wheat tortilla wrap (no yeast in them ), and topped it up with a slice of tomato and onion. (It took the legs out from under my craving monster).

When I finished I did some internet I often do at such times and found an interesting website which discussed the nature of cravings.  (please click here)

I discovered that there were several types of cravings; cravings for sugar, protein, dairy products, junk food and even red meat.  Each of these has a meaning.  Its an interesting site and a good read for people taking the same walk as I am.

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