Friday, February 17, 2012

A Personal Story

My wife and I were sitting on a beach in Barbados where met another couple of vacationers.
The  lady fell into conversation with my wife and they began talking about me having cancer.  The woman asked my wife, if mine had gone in to remission.  My wife said.."I don't know."  Frederick hasn't had a CT scan for about a year and he turned down chemotherapy.  The woman asked the question since, as she said, I looked so healthy.

She then began to tell the story about her husband.  He had hodgkins lymphoma and he had a lot of lymph nodes removed.  He was struggling and was taking chemo and it was making him sick. As the story went, this man was on a prolonged sick leave.  One day, he announced, out of the blue - "No more chemo. I want to go to BC to see the Rockies."  

There was hell to pay.  His doctor was upset. "You can't do that."  
"Why can't I?"
The doctor sputtered.   The man's wife pressed her case..."He wants to. He may die anyway. I support him...............Does your reaction mean that you refuse to treat him after he returns?"
Case closed.

With that - they packed their car and set off on their journey - but they took with them, something his medical team wasn't aware of.  They took a big enough supply of Essiac to last them through the trip.
I am sure you can guess the rest of the story.
His cancer disappeared and never returned. 
That was about 15 years ago.

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