Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Question and Answer from the DCA website

Question: I am very excited about DCA and all the preliminary information which has been released so far by the Canadian scientists who made this awesome discovery. Do you know if and when clinical trials are starting? I am stage IV cancer, and I want to sign up for a trial, since so far all the chemos and vaccines they have tried on me continue to fail and my tumors keep growing. (Boston, MA)

Answer posted by “Jay. C.”: We have been in touch with one of the two Canadian discoverers of DCA this week, 2/5/07, (Dr. Archer) and he tells us that Dr. Michelakis (the second discoverer), is preparing to start clinical trials at the Cancer Centre of Northern Alberta. It will be a blind trial, meaning that you will be placed in one of two groups (one of which will get the DCA and the other won't). We haven't been given a specific date of trial start yet, but as soon as we at the DCA site are informed, we'll publish that date and any other information we get from the trial organizers.

To visit the DCA website, please click here.

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