Thursday, October 18, 2012

One Step Forward - One Step Back - Two Steps Forward

As many of you dear readers and friends know, I have been taking treatment for colo-rectal cancer which metamorphosised and took on its own, unpredictable life after that.  It popped up on the surface of my liver and a wedge was cut out, and a follow up CT scan revealed that it immediately took on a new life in my lungs.

I will be upfront.  I have tried a number of  hopeful  "potentially" good,  natural cures - from dandelion root, to diet, to taking a half dozen reishi capsules a day for about 8 months, to maple syrup and baking soda, and to muscadine grapeseed.  I am sure they are wonderful healing agents - for some people.  But, in the end none have been successful.  I eventually found my way into Dr. Akbar Khan's office in North York's (north of Toronto), Medicor Cancer Clinic.

I often think of the passing of Jack Layton, the former leader of Canada's New Democratic Party, (Canada's Official Opposition party) who died of cancer.  Jack had been treated for prostate cancer and in the end before he died, refused to publicly reveal what his cause of death was.  Why?  He didn't want to discourage anyone on their trip. Jack took the high road.

I began taking DCA treatment, and was incrementally increasing my dosage when I experienced problems with side effects.  It happens with some people.  I got a tingling sensation in one leg and in my feet.
Dr. Kahn moved me from DCA to taking TM, a new drug out of the University of Michigan.

I experienced leg cramps for about a week, and these eventually went away.  I've now been on TM for 10 days.  To my surprise, my most recent CEA blood test revealled a decline by 50% - in less then a month.
I have never had such a sizeable shift even when taking chemotherapy.

Is it working? I will take it for what its worth. Something is happening. Time will tell.

But the point is this - I expect that anyone who has lived with long term cancer knows what its like to take one step forward, and one step back. Two steps forward, one step back. Two steps back and one step forward.  Speaking personally, its been a slow slog through a muddy battlefield. But the battle is worth it. Pass me up the bullets mamma.

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