Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Fighting Cancer - A Good Place to Begin - step one

Ok. Let's begin.
You just got your diagnosis, and you're concerned.  You have your first appointment with your oncologist in a week or two and you want to want to know where you can turn in the meantime.
That's why I chose this picture as a starting point.  Its a roll of litmus paper, and its most likely available in your nearest health food store. That's where I bought this one. They sell for around $10.00.

Litmus paper, measures body acidity.  Its easy to use. You tear off a little strip of it, and you either pee on it or stick it in your mouth and dab saliva on it. Most places I have read suggest that you pee on it, since the liquid that flows out of your kidneys and bladder is not altered by whatever you may have put in your mouth in the last few minutes.

When your urine strikes it, give the paper an immediate shake and look at the colour of the strip.
It will change immediately.  The range of colour in the paper will change from yellow to blue.
The litmus paper I have comes in the plastic dispenser and it has a paper with a colour guide.  Your urine should measure around 7.2. This is the PH reading.  PH means the potential of hydrogen.  The lower the PH reading, the more acidic your body is. The higher the PH, the more akyline you are.

There are lots of websites that report that cancer studies show that cancer does not grow in an alkyline environment.  Dr. Simoncini, an Italian oncologist, kills tumours with baking soda. (see the video above this positng) and its about as alkyline a substance as you can get. After a lot of reading I shifted my diet by eating a  lot of green vegetables, and I intentionally removed acid forming things such as cola and alcohol and coffee from my diet.

Take some time, do some internet research on the subject.  Google "which foods are akyline", and you will find lots of information which will point you in the direction of shifting your ph level to where you want it to go.

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